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Doyle Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram is proud to support the Sudbury Charities Foundation (SCF) with a donation of $10,000.  SCF is a great local organization that for over 50 years has been raising money to help underpriveleged youth in our community.  Like many other local endevours they have been hit hard by Covid-19, which caused their annual men's dinner to need to go virtual.  We are happy to have been able to step in and replace a portion of those funds that were missed because of the inability to have a live fundraising dinner.

Learn more about this great charity here -

This is the third donation in our year long commitment to making a monthly $10,000 contribution to a worthy cause, joining Camp Quality Northern Ontario and the Reseau Access Network.  This campaign is in celebration of our 100 years in business -

$100,000 to supporting Sudbury for 100 years of Sudbury supporting us!


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